The Oil & Gas industry in West Africa has attracted keen foreign investor interest and participation over the last fifteen years. Across the industry, new opportunities continue to emerge for both foreign and local businesses - from large, established, global brands, to local entrepreneurs contributing skilled technical and management services. The market opportunity is clear.

As exploration companies uncover new fields, regulators and policy-makers work to create the right investment climate for all participants. Against this backdrop, key investment promotion challenges still exist. Exploration incentives and global competition remain major factors in successfully attracting high-quality, sustainable investment to the region.

Our consultants and associates have considerable expertise in both investment promotion and project facilitation. We have worked closely with governments, development agencies and companies, to raise the profile of opportunities in West African Oil & Gas. We have worked on major project development and good governance assignments.

We look forward to working with you to identify, plan and promote new projects. Please contact us at